NOTICE TO RESIDENTS — There have been occasional burglaries in homes and vehicles in Atherton, including several in Lindenwood. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN YOUR VEHICLES AND ALWAYS KEEP THEM LOCKED. Please lock the doors and windows of your homes, set your alarms, and report suspicious people, vehicles or activities to the Atherton Police Department. For additional security measures you can take, see the Security Section below.
Thanks to our efficient Atherton police department, our prevalent use of home alarm systems connected directly to the police department, and our neighborhood watch programs, the Town of Atherton has one of the lowest crime rates in the nation. Through the years, however, there have been occasional burglaries and other incidents of crime in Atherton and in Lindenwood. Here are a few tips to enhance your home security:
- Always lock your doors and windows even when leaving for “just a minute.” Nearly half of all burglaries are committed without force; that is, through unlocked doors and windows!
- Never leave a house key available under a doormat, in a flower pot, or on the ledge of the door, the first places burglars look!
- Install “dead bolt” locks with 1-inch throws on all exterior doors.
- Install “ventilation” locks as well as auxiliary locks on all sliding glass doors and windows.
- Install good locks on garage, cellar, patio or other doors that lead out through storage areas or a spare room.
- If your gates open with a push, consider adding a latch or lock. That will cost a burglar just a few more minutes of time.
- Have your alarm system monitored directly by the Atherton Police Department; there is no charge for this service. If you don’t have an alarm system, seriously consider installing one.
- When going out, lock all doors and windows; use timers so that lights, radio, TV turn on and off throughout the house to indicate someone is home; make your home look “lived in.”
- Lock your pool houses, cabanas and storerooms to prevent unauthorized use or theft of contents.
- Dogs are a terrific deterrent; big or small, they all make a lot of noise.
- For longer times away, stop mail and newspaper delivery or have a neighbor collect them daily; arrange for someone to take in empty trash and recycling containers.
- For longer times away, you also may request a “Vacation Home Check” from the Atherton Police Department and they will do regular drive-by checks of your property while you are away and they will also be aware that you are away in case your alarm is triggered or a neighbor reports something suspicious. You may request this service by filling out an online form or by phoning the Police Department at (650) 688-6500.
- Always lock your cars when parked outside – a burglar can use your garage door opener to gain access to your house. Don’t leave purses, keys, or other valuables in plain sight in your cars even when parked in your driveway or carport.
- Don’t leave letters or bills with checks in your mailbox for the mailman to pick up; these can be taken, altered, and cashed.
- Pick up your delivered mail promptly; identity thieves can get your personal information from credit card statements and other similar types of mail.
- When writing checks or using credit, debit or ATM cards in crowded stores, make certain to conceal your personal and account information.
- Report all suspicious vehicles and people to the police department (650) 688-6500.
Lindenwood is a wonderful neighborhood for walking, biking and jogging. For the safety and enjoyment of everyone, please observe the following precautions:
- Drivers: Obey the 25 mph speed limit. Insist that your associated licensed drivers do the same – your spouse, children, employees, gardeners, construction workers, delivery people. When you see someone speeding, signal them to slow down, note license plate numbers and report them to the police. Stay alert and watchful for both children and adults who may be walking, biking and jogging on our streets.
- Walkers: Always walk on the left-hand side of the street, against the traffic flow, so that you can avoid being hit by vehicles whose drivers may not notice you. When walking at dusk or after dark, wear white or reflective clothing and carry a flashlight. Make certain that your children understand and observe these precautions.
- Dog Walkers: Think about your pets as well; a black dog on a long leash ahead of its owner is at risk. When walking your pet at night, consider equipping it with reflective dog wear and/or a collar light (available at pet supply stores). Never walk your dog off-leash; doing so is both dangerous and unlawful in Atherton.
- Bikers: Always ride on the far right-hand side of the street, with traffic. Drivers do not expect bicyclists to be riding on the left-hand side of the street and bicycle-car collisions do occur, especially at intersections. Always wear a helmet. When riding at dusk or after dark be certain that you and/or your bicycles are equipped with good, working headlights, reflectors, and strobe lights. Make sure that your children understand and observe these precautions.
- Homeowners: Make certain that vegetation on your property is not obscuring visibility of oncoming traffic at intersections, or obscuring traffic signs. Also be sure that your vegetation is not forcing walkers or cyclists to move into traffic lanes, or risking hitting them on the head or in the face if they don’t see it (for example, after dark). Prune overgrown vegetation away from signs and street edges, and way back at intersection corners to improve the line-of-sight.